vineri, 31 decembrie 2010

A pick me up

3 din cele 4 persoane care chiar nu au ce face cu timpul lor si il irosesc citind prostiile mele m-au intrbat de ce nu am mai scris...

E greu...uneori ai chef, uneori ai nu, chestia cu scrisu e la fel ca o relatie de prietenie...exista la un moment dat, e frumoasa, dar nu functioneaza mereu cum ai vrea asa ca mai iei o pauza...

Dar asa ca final de an tebuia sa las un cuvant sau doua.

Ultimele mele craciunuri si revelioane sucked big time, anu trecut si nici anu asta nu am avut deloc chef...sincer nici acuma nu am ma ma prefac ca totu e ok, ca noul an va fi mai lumea e roz...dar na...u gotta do what u gotta do.

In schimb acuma cateva minute am primit un telefon de la cea mai veche si cea mai buna prietena a mea. Credeam ca suna doar sa ma salute.

Si de fapt m-a sunat sa imi multumeasca pentru toate clipele pentru care am fost pentru ea acolo. I-am zis si ei ca daca as fi avut o inima probabil as fi plans, dar asa a fost doar f f dragut.

Oricum, made feel really really good.

Asa ca...orice ar fi...orice s-ar intampla, cat de grav poate sa fie cand ai cativa prieteni pe care te poti baza no matter what...

Asa ca sa avem cu toti un an vedea dupa ce dreaq facem cu el...

marți, 2 noiembrie 2010

Ceapa masii

If you're ever asked what do you see yourself doing in ten years, and if you believe in long term commitments, just say this, but really sell it:

All of a sudden you start to search for the right girl, you find girls, but they are not the one. And then you find her, mind numbingly beautiful, incredibly smart, with a smile that could light up an entire ball room, funny as hell, your friends love her, your family adores her. Everything's perfect, you feel your in heaven, everything looks, tastes and feels better, the sun's always shining and birds are singing everywhere, it's like walking on air.

After a few years you propose to her in the most romantic place ever...candle lights, rose petals, fine wine and Barry White, dancing on the beach shore under the stars light. She's blown away and says YES!!!! from all of her heart.

Than you have the most fairytale wedding ever..cake, incredible food, fine drinks, all of your friends and your entire family is their. She's wearing the perfect dress, having the perfect hair and looking stunningly beautiful, even you look better besides her.

Than you buy a small house in the suburbs, white picked fence and a beautiful lawn in the front, the loveliest garden in the back with a swimming pool, two cars garage, and the most perfect barbeque place where you can invite all of your friends on Friday nights.

After a couple of years you have a little kid, Mihai or Mihaela, doesn't matter to you if it's a boy or a girl, ur just gonna call it Mihaitza anyways.

Every weekend you take him/her out in the park, or going on a trip across the country, teach him to walk or just sit at home and play him just the best music ever.

And you wait until he/her is old enough to talk and start asking all those stupid questions like: Why is the McDonald sign yellow, or the sky blue, why is potato called potato and not apple, why do horses have legs and how come you can't see the moon during the day.

Than one night you take an onion cut it up into little pieces and put it underneath his pillow while he sleeps. And you sit next to his bed until he wakes up crying. And you ask him:

-What's wrong little one? Why are you crying? tell daddy...

See what the hell he says then!!! See if asks any more dumb questions.

Is that long time commitment or what?

I would think yes.

Lil Wayne Letter #10: The End of a Long Journey

Just the end of the gotta love it

"Now I must dedicated something to the woman in the picture…

…sitting on this bed with my back against one of the four walls I’ve been confined to, all I can think of is you. Staring at you staring at me, from the picture of you that I see. I try so hard to make the picture smile. You look so serious. Seriously beautiful. You, me, we are one. Then I look further to the right and there’s a picture of “the bed by the water”… where I dream to be with the woman in the picture that still won’t smile. I sometimes talk to the picture, but it never responds. Although, I’ve been told that a picture speaks a thousands words, I only wish that this picture would speak of four… “I love you too.” That would be the perfect response to what I frequently say to it. You see, the picture of “the bed by the water” has sand in it, and the woman in the other picture has sand in her hair… put them together, and she’s there. And when I dream, I’m there with her. Shhh… quietly these four walls become that place in the picture. And the woman in the picture begins to whisper…

“I love you too”… she responds!

And now she smiles. Imagination is perfect.

Dedicated to the woman in the picture.


joi, 28 octombrie 2010

Cineva mi-a tras aseara atentia ca nu am mai scris nimik de ceva as fi crezut ca va observa cineva...dar na...

Pai nu am mai avut nimik interesant de parca as fi zis ceva interesant inainte..
De vreo 2-3 luni ma tot intreaba lumea ce mai fac? De parca vrea cineva sa auda altceva in afara de "Bine. Tu?".
Raspunsul meu e mereu acelasi: Nimic, munca, casa, casa munca...

In ultima vreme am stat mai mult in casa si m-am uitat la seriale...MUUUULTE seriale, nu prea am mai avut chef sa ies.
Am iesit de cateva ori dar doar la niste petreceri mai mari si numai ca am primit mereu invitatie de la niste prieteni pe care nu as fi vrut sa ii refuz...
Pina si Lidia mi-a zis ca m-am "domesticit"...dreaq zic ca doar hibernez o perioada.

Lasa ca vine primavara si ma dezmortesc...

miercuri, 11 august 2010

Un taximetris t cu constiinta incarcata

Acum vreo 2 weekenduri am fost in club de ziua lu Wissam.
Pe la 4 dimineata decidem sa plecam frumos fiecare spre casa lui.
Ca sa nu ma mai duca acasa pe mine Wissam ii zic ca iau un taxi.

Ma sui in primul taxi de la iesire din ii zic destinatia.

La care taximetristul pleaca, face aproximativ 10 metri la care incetineste, si se intoarce cu fata spre mine si imi spune daca cumva am vazut care e pretul lui. Eu zic ca nu. Si aparent avea 2 tarifem unu de zi si unu de seara. Era vreo 3lei/km, la momentul respectiv.
Si inainte sa zic eu orice el imi spune, uite frate e ok daca iti iau 20 de lei?
Si avand in vedere ca plecam din herastrau de undeva de langa ambasada chinei...deci o distanta destul de mare, pretul era mai mult decat corect...cred ca i-as fi lasat mai mult in mod normal.

Chiar mi-a placut gestul lui si am si vorbit pe drum despre chestii interesante...a fost chiar un exemplu ca mai gasesti oameni cu mustrari de constiinta.

marți, 3 august 2010


In seara asta mi-am dat seama de ceva ce mi-a zis mai multa lume.

Am inceput sa conduc cam repede.

De ceva timp tot mi-au zis niste colegi si niste prieteni ca merg cam rpd si ca ma bag cam aiurea...dar am tot zis ca nu ca nu.

Acuma nu stiu, pentru ca eu inca consider ca sunt absolut in control in orice moment cand conduc...daca nu as fi, nu as conduce.
Dar mi-am dat seama in seara asta cand am intorceam acasa pe la 11 noaptea si acultam muzica, mergeam calm si linsitit...sau asa credeam eu.
La un moment dat ma uit in bord si aveam 130km/ nici nu am bagat de seama...
Not cool...
I need to chill the fuck out...

joi, 29 iulie 2010